Health, Fitness &

He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence
‑ William Blake
Spiritual  •  Physical  •  Emotional Health  •  Sex  •  Media  •  Survivalism  •  Environmental Hazards

On This Page:
Health & Fitness
Relationship & Social
Computer & HTML

Health Items

HEALTH & SLEEP - Habits That Resist Disease & Promote Longevity.
SLEEP: 1 Hour BEFORE Midnight = 4 Hours AFTER Midnight...

DIET & EXERCISE - Juice Fasting, COFFEE - Effects & Overcoming Addiction, Pure Foods, SALT & Electrolytes, VITAMINS, CORTISOL, & abdominal fat, WATER & False Hunger

Medical: General Info - "Swimmer's Back", Vertigo, Dislocating Knee Cap, Hernia, Rotator Cuff, ...

Lyme Disease Remedies - "Fever Heals," salt, Vitamin C, Lots of Heat ...

Skin Health - Holistic, Organic, Jojoba; Chin: "smas-lift," Info & Sources...

B17 & Anti-Oxidant Block Of Articles:

B17, Laetrile, & Apricot Seeds - Vitamin B17 is a proven antioxidant. Yet pharmaceutical companies have fought hard to scare away the public before we hear ALL the facts. By examining both sides, this article zeros-in on the truth behind Vitamin B17.

pH Balance, Antioxidants, Acids, Alkali, & anti-oxidant diets, Food Lists, WINE & Antioxidants

A Holistic Remedy - Pancreatin And Protein Digestion, "Dr. Kelly", pancreas' relationship to diabetes, cancer, metabolic disorders...

Anti-Oxidants - An Ongoing Collection of Information - Selenium, Eat According to Your Blood Type, more...

Prostate Information - General Information - Description, Retrograde, diabetes' effect on, massage, self-maintenance, etc.

Prostate 2: More Information - Prostate's Function; Effect of Hormones, Diet, Frequent Sex, Castration, Aspirin (Edited from lengthy PDF)...

Enemas - Formulas, Methods, Results

Eye Health - Cataracts: Conventional & Natural Treatment; Causes & Prevention.

Liver Cleanse - GI cleanse, & Fat in Liver

DIABETES INFO - Collected as it comes up.. .

Dental Info Teeth & Bones -- Demineralization; Natural Remineralization; Enamel Cements; Coffee; Fluoride & Erosion;

Urine Therapy - The natural antibiotic and healing properties of urine

BAREFOOT: HEALTH BENEFITS - How going barefoot improves health

Barefoot Living - Starting out, Barefoot careers, Shoes & Depression, Barefooting in the Past...

Barefoot Health (Book): Shoes & Fatigue - How footwear causes flat feet, fatigue, and weakness


ADD & Career - Which Careers Fit The ADD Profile...

Asperger Syndrome - "Literal" thought & speech vs. "Emotional" interaction.

Asperger Syndrome & Barefooting - Sound Feet, Sound Mind - Nature's Remedy

Prison: It Just Doesn't Work - An impossible condition that destroys human psychology

Spanking: Good, Bad, or "Abusive"? - History, "Buffet the Body", News, Links...


Gandhi - "Key To Health" - Gandhi's Treatse on Overall Health Lifestyle

Sex-Free Living - Breaking Sexual Desire Through Healthy, Spiritual Living. Adapted from writings of Gandhi & others

What Is Heaven Like? - Meditating on Heaven will strengthen us when we become discontented with life...

The Dominion Principle - By Charles Capps. Applying the Believer's Dominion over the Affairs of This World...

Proofs of the Bible's Devine Authorship

Christian Battle Cries - Inspiring Talk in this Time of Spiritual Warfare. Don't Become "Battle-Weary"...

Hereafter - Blunt Talk on Preparing For Judgment

Mikveh - Getting Set Free From Demonic Spirits

ETERNAL LIFE - Knowing It As A Reality - Developing An "Eternal" State Of Mind, opposing the world's views, Overcoming Grief (Faux "Copeland" Piece)

THERE'S TROUBLE COMING! [KCM] - Don't Chicken Out - Keep Your Fight Up

I SAW HELL OPEN... A Shocking Vision Awakens An African Preacher's Awareness

Meditation: An Awareness Exercise - Finding Your Original Spirit...

Was Jesus Poor? - Understanding prosperity's role in Jesus' life - and in ours

Parallel Plane of the Spirit World - The unseen spirit world intersects our familiar world. Wrong spirits can enter via wrong influences of this world [Capps]...



MOVIES: Tora, Tora, Tora (トラ・トラ・トラ!)
• CHARLIE CHAPLIN & "The Great Dictator"

Dr. Demento - Playlists & continuing data...

R Crumb - Articles

TRIVIA & BIOS - Wernher von Braun, Walter Chrysler, Seinfeld, Carson, Peter Pan, Ivanhoe, "The Playmates" (50' Rock & Roll Group),

Big Band Bios - Glenn Miller, Stan Kenton, Artie Shaw...

Vaughn Monroe

Why U.S. Drives on the Right & U.K. Drives On the Left

NEWS ARCHIVE - Stories Related To Underhanded Geo-Politics

EDITORIALS ARCHIVE - Articles Previously Appearing on the Home Page Column

Relationship Items

SOCIAL INTERACTION - Social skills, meeting people, dating, making contact in groups...

Why Christians Should Not Get A Civil Marriage - The laws of marriage in Jesus' time on earth bear no resemblance to today's ridiculous contracts.


HOW TO SELL ENCYCLOPEDIAS - The "Merit Family Learning Program," 1976

WATER & CHLORAMINE - Is your drinking water safe?

FLUORIDE FAQ: - Questions and Answers About the Problems of Fluoridation

FLUORIDE - The Dangers The many dangers posed by fluoridation of our drinking water

Archived Subject Matter - (formerly "non car archive")

Van Brans Info - Features of different VANS - Year-to-Year Changes, MPG, 1994-2000 CARAVANS...


BUTANE SOLDERING TORCHES - For Non-Electric Soldering. Brands, comments, sources.

Bedbugs - An Outline For Getting Rid of Them

Bedbugs: The Whole, Ugly Truth - A vast stew of facts & experiences about these vile pests

STOCKS, IRAs, & OTHER INVESTMENTS Basic information on investments...

BACKPACKS- Putting Them On...

Survivalism File - Different perspectives on "survivalism"

WW II Various Info - UK Island Occupied by Germany, Speech to POWs on Thai-Burma Railway

CELL PHONE RADIATION SHIELD - Ad: Full-Size Radiation Shield. Captured From a Google "Cache" Before Page Disappeared. Shows REAL Radiation Shield (Not The Bogus "Button" Stickers They're Calling Shields Today). It may still exist -- their Home Page is still up ...

Computer Related

Computer Viruses - Some that are out there

HTML Codes - A Help Sheet With The HTML Codes Used To Create A Web Page (Off Site)

Color Cube - HTML Codes For Multiple Colors (Off Site)

FONT STYLES & "WINGDINGS" Check to see which fonts work with present computer; Wingdings arranged by keyboard & Caps (Off Site)

BACKGROUND GIFS - Google Image Search

Buttons to Change Bkgnd Color of Webpage


Sound Check
a_rabs . . . d_g . . . rat . . . miller
Can You Name This Tune? - Jazzbeaux

Frantic Energy
and Your Health

Excitability is the quality most demanded of us. On the job, employers look for people with rapid gestures, prolific verbiage, and boundless, groundless, enthusiasm. If the candidate actually produces less than a more centered and self-contained co-worker, this goes unseen, as it is too bland to the eye. The observer rejoices in the ego-boost it gets from the loquacious brown-nosers.

Socially, rapid-fire jokes and commentary are sought after. If someone were to cease talking for more than 90 seconds, he would be branded "anti-social" or taken for an oaf.

When we are confronted with the need to maximize one's health, we have to examine a lot of "conventional behaviors" to ascertain whether there are some health risks arising from any of them. This "conventional" frantic behavior is one of the first things to go on the chopping block when energy levels, immune system issues, or blood sugar levels are at risk.

The phony behavior of mainstream social and professional environments was born out of a routine of overeating and caffeine highs. We burn out our bodies with this frantic consumption because when we don't, we "can't keep up" with the job, or the social demands of networking or "typical" conversation.

Of course the "great secret" to all of this is that we weren't meant to maintain that artificial tempo. Why do you suppose so many people are getting sick from energizing themselves for a "healthy" day's work? We're designed for work: it shows when exercise produces observable improvements in heart rate, metabolism and weight control. Why is this not the case on the job?

PHONY DEMEANOR and PHONY HEALTH. So, we're still stuck with the lousy jobs that we're clinging to. But we have to manage them while respecting the natural limits and boundaries of the body. Or would you tear-up your insides with glucose binges and caffeine attacks just to create the appearance of enthusiastic interest in lifeless activity?

Keep in mind that we're talking about appearances here, not the actual labor. Labor seldom depletes the body to the extremes that emotional displays of false enthusiasm do. Labor can be conducted while in a meditative state of mind. The problem is, this kind of centeredness, even when it is observably productive, doesn't stroke the onlooker's ego. Anyone who is not willfully aligned with God is, by default, aligned with the devil. And the devil's only satisfied when he controls your soul. He couldn't care less about your actual productivity.

Any trouble you may have with a particular job's effect on your health will require Spiritual Warfare: to either get the job to line-up with your health requirements, or to receive empowerment from God to secure a better job or your own business.

"Meditative Action," however, is a key component to maintaining even energy levels and preventing wear-and-tear on the body. Healthy labor dovetails with our naturally-designed glucose levels, heart rates, and nervous energy. It doesn't allow your spirit to get sucked dry by the egos of those around you, or those whom you work for. It keeps us centered, and that keeps us operating at the energy levels as they exist in our bodies at each moment - instead of artificially jacking-up the metabolism with excess food and caffeine.

There are situations that don't seek to feed off of another's frantic emotionalism. If you build this meditative center within your soul, in time the world will come around.

Editorial Archive