Vitamins, Nutrients, Electrolytes
Lymph Drainage
Liquid Diet
Juice Fast
Exercising When Fasting

COFFEE & Overcoming Addiction
Adrenal Fatigue
Soil Probiotics, Yogurt, etc.
WATER: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty
CORTISOL & abdominal fat


The fundamental reason for fasting is purification of the body. The plasma membrane of each cell can somehow sense the concentration of toxic wastes in the blood. If this concentration is above the legal limit, the plasma membrane denies an exit visa for toxic wastes inside the cell until conditions outside the cell improve. When we overload our bodies with food (even if we are able to burn it up without gaining weight), we create a chronic condition of low grade toxemia.

Fasting lowers the concentration of toxic wastes in the circulatory system. This is sensed by the plasma membrane of the cells and each cell will then let go of its load of toxic wastes. When this happens suddenly, as it does with fasting, the result can be a sudden case of mild systemic toxemia as the system cleanses itself. You should be prepared for possible headache, irritability, insomnia and fatigue. This is a natural part of the healing process and should be welcomed. How long a person should fast is an individual matter. A thorough cleansing will require at least a few days. A week-long fast will get the job done for most people. The fast should not end until the symptomatic phase (headache, fatigue, etc.) is finished by at least two days.

Liquid Fasting

LIQUID FASTING differs from "juice fasting" in that, generally, all liquids are allowed. The desired fasting/dieting goals determine which liquids are elligible.

ONE EXAMPLE: Yogurt, milk, juice. Yogurt provides acidophilus to expidite digestion & elimination. Milk fills energy requirements of a normal day's activity.




Try favorite foods in liquid form, such as juiced vegetables & fruit, (or if you're desperate for energy) milk shakes, ice cream.

Use 1 cup of cold full-cream milk, ½ cup of mashed canned or fresh fruit (without pits or peels) and 1 tablespoon of honey and liquidize in a blender - serve cold

Canned pears, peaches, apple puree and mashed avocado make delicious and high-energy milk shakes

Add up to 3 tablespoons of fat-free milk powder to the milkshake to increase the protein content if there's an increased protein requirement

Apple or grape juice

Use Ensure, flavored milk drinks, or dilute flavored yogurt with additional milk (if the yogurt contains pieces of fruit, strain it before serving)

Use energy drinks such as Ensure when there are high-energy requirements

Prepare clear soups by dissolving Marmite, Bovril or stock cubes in boiling water

Ensure that you're drinking enough water: Just because you're on a liquid diet doesn't negate your need for pure water. Your body cannot break-down the fluids you're taking-in without an almost EQUAL amount of water.

WATCH YOUR ELECTROLYTES. Assure that you're getting enough salt, either in the fluids you're consuming, or take some salt periodically throughout the day with a galss of water.

Juice Fasting

Now we're talking about JUICE fasting here. Freshly made vegetable juices, taken in quantity, are not a beverage. They are a raw, highly digestible food. It is ideal to have all the juice you want, without forcing yourself to drink it. The rules: "When you are hungry, drink juice. When you are thirsty, drink juice also." We generally are referring to vegetable juice. Drink as much juice as you wish. Remember that it is a food, not a beverage and that you can have as much as you want. There is little fear of over doing it. It is, after all, hard to hurt yourself with vegetables! A good rule of thumb is to drink three or four eight-ounce glasses of fresh juice a day (for an adult).

[ ]

You're going to absolutely need to rest while you're fasting. Don't plan a lot of activities for the time when you're fasting. You're missing the point. The idea is to give your ENTIRE body time to catch up on its housecleaning activities. If you're running around, or under pressure to perform in any way, you're creating extra stress on yourself.

A lot has been written about fasting, if you don't try it yourself, you've missed the point. It's experiential. It's also different for everyone, so there's no way to really know how it will be for you without trying. It has the potential to change your life. It is a spiritual as well as a physical experience.

Fruit juices speed cleansing reactions. Vegetable juices slow them. So if you decide to fast and you're feeling more headachy, jittery and spacey from the effect of the toxins, drink vegetable juices rather than fruit juices.

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Early in fasting, the body both manufactures glucose (gluconeogenesis) and releases stores of it from within the liver (glycogenolysis).

After a few days, the body will release triglycerides from fat cells. These tryglycerides become oxidized and form acids called ketones, which are then used for energy production. All of these changes slow the overall metabolism of the body to about 75% of its normal rate. For this reason, plenty of rest (and no vigorous exercise) is routinely advised while fasting.


The best juices are fresh carrot, grape, celery, apple, cabbage, or beet. Also "green drinks" made from green leafy vegetables because they are excellent "de-toxifiers."

Fruit juices are "cleansers" and are best taken in the morning. Since vegetable juices are "restorers" and "builders," they are best taken in the afternoon.

Avoid milk because it is a food and therefore a violation of the fast. Any product containing protein or fat, such as milk or soy-based drinks, will restart the digestion cycle and you will again feel hunger pangs.


Some situations require that only "clear" fluids be consumed. "Clear liquid" means you can see through it. It doesn't necessarily mean it has no color to it, but red or purple liquids are out.

Clear liquids include:

  • water
  • juices: apple, white grape juice (no red or purple juices), lemonade, limeade, fruit punch or juices (no pulp), fruit-flavored drinks, Gatorade/sports drinks
  • clear broth or consomme
  • vegetable broth (strained)
  • clear carbonated beverages
  • popsicles fruit ices, Jello w/o fruit, jelly (no pieces of fruit or seeds)
  • honey
  • tea, coffee w/o milk or sugar [ they say, I don't buy it: Tea is used as a dye (contains "tannin") - rj]

Exercise While Fasting

(Link here to go to GENERAL Exercise Section)

During fasting, weakness is the normal state and as much rest as possible is advised. If you feel a rush of energy save it for a time it's really needed. Exercise according to the energy levels you feel during the fast, moderate pacing to avoid burning-off the slowly-metabolizing glucose reserves of the body. Exercise oxygenates the blood. The pumping action of the muscles flush the lymph and cells of metabolic waste. If you experience energy loss, limit yourself to stretching exercises, light walking or deep breathing. Try to avoid intense physical activity during a fast even if you feel energetic. Energy can be fickle: Overdo it and you will feel tired and weak for the next day or two as the body tries to recover the glycogen reserves in the muscles.

Exercise during a fast is not done to "bulk up" muscle tissue, but to activate the cleansing & metabolism action of the body. Done correctly, this will alleviate hunger & increase energy. But because of the low level of ambient glucose in your system when fasting, it's important to keep a moderate pace when exercising. Too aggressive, and weakness & hunger will haunt you for the subsequent 24 hours. Exercise can (& must) be done during a fast, but it must not be "competitive" type fever-pitch exertion. Keep in mind the goal: keep the cleansing, oxygenating, lymphatic and other systems of the body humming at a healthy tempo.

If you feel a drastic drop of energy following exercise, take 8 ounces of juice once every 20 - 30 minutes until it subsides. Don't consider protein foods, for the weakness is just indicative of a lower glucose level. Again, the exercise is not for increasing muscle mass, only to facilitate oxygenation, blood flow and the other healthy functions that augment the benefits of the fast.



Be prepared for mental discomforts. Inner conflicts get the spotlight when you deny yourself the pleasure (and distraction) of eating. It is not unusual to become feel impatient and irritable during a fast. You can expect the enemy to oppose you with thoughts that test your resolve. When this happens, commune with God and "spot" any resentment or rage that's infecting your thoughts.

Expect physical discomforts. You may experience a case of the physical "blahs" during the first few days. If so, sip water and juices frequently and rest while restoring your soul with prayer and immersion in God's Word.

  • GOAL of the fast: (intestinal cleansing, weight loss, purification from food cravings - caffeine - fats etc)

  • "Day At A Time" - will power isn't enough to endure a multi-day fast; when you feel weak, increase one of the allowable juices/foods & take at 20 min. intervals. Spot anger & resentment, as these ignite cravings.

Digestive enzymes aid the elimination of any waste buildup you're trying to get rid of during this fast. Acidophilus is one.

An equivilant amount of water should be drunk before or after the juices. Water accelerates digestion, the breakdown of old food matter, and movement. It also generally aids the detoxification process. Periodically, a small amount of salt can be taken with the water to keep your electrolyte balace up: also, it facilitates persperation (one of the routes of detoxification) and the breakdown of "pocketed" waste.



Following the "juice" portion of the diet:

End your fast gradually. This is extremely important, because by ending your fast gradually, the physical and spiritual effects will linger for days. But if you rush into eating solid foods, you may experience diarrhea, sickness, fainting, and even death due to shock.

This is especially true of a fast of forty days. During a fast the stomach and intestinal tract contract, and that breaking the fast should be done with special care. Suddenly reintroducing solid food to your stomach creates defeating effects.

Even a three-day fast requires reasonable precautions. Start with a little soup, something thin and nourishing such as vegetable broth and fresh fruits such as watermelon and cantaloupe. As your body accepts these foods, advance to a few tablespoons of solid foods such as raw fruits and vegetables or a raw salad and a baked potato. (Milk and meat may cause adverse reactions in some people after a fast). Then several hours later, try another small snack. The idea is to ease back into regular eating with several small snacks during the first few days. This requires discipline, but you will avoid the severe pain and other serious physical reactions that come from eating too much too soon. Info source:

Meat is not recommended, nor is chicken or turkey. One of the best sources of flesh protein is seafood. Fish is a major source of important oils and other nutrients in addition to protein. Also in moderation, cheese, unsweetened yogurt, raw cow's milk.

Clear broth such as vegetable, chicken, or beef are lower calorie choices than French onion and chowders, which are very high calorie and fat choices.


"The Maker's Diet" (a book by Jordan Rubin) contains some interesting material, but leaves out the whole story. ALL nutrients work a little bit: but we need to know about RESULTS & AMOUNTS. He states that Soil Probiotics "result in improved health," but avoids mentioning amounts. It leaves us in the dark about how much to take and how it compares with other nutrients.

It's one of those books that has to be compared to real-life experience to be useful. Some of it rings true as common-sense, like adjusting one's sleep cycles to a dusk-to-dawn schedule, the benefits of exposure to (some) sunlight, and eschewing the "unclean" foods of the bible. But other things are too vague, and are apparent attempts to lure the reader into purchacing his products instead of finding natural sources of the nutrients.

Info source for the following:

"Maker's Diet" author Jordan S. Rubin, "NMD, PhD, CNC": Rubin's credentials have no academic standing:

  • His NMD (naturopathic medical doctor) is from the Peoples University of the Americas School of Natural Medicine, a nonaccredited school with no campus.

  • His Ph.D. is from the Academy of Natural Therapies, a nonaccredited correspondence school that the State of Hawaii ordered closed last year.

  • His CNC (Certified Nutritional Consultant) comes from the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, whose only requirement for "professional member" status has been payment of a $50 or $60 fee. The CNC requires passage of a test based mainly on the contents of books on traditional nutritional remedies.

The FDA has ordered the company he founded to stop making unsubstantiated claims for "Q-Zyme,""Primal Defense," "Revivall Classic," or other products.
Homeostatic Soil Organisms

Homeostatic soil organisms are soil-based bacteria. They are gaining attention as viable GI flora. HSOs are an addition to the usual probiotic agents such as lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria that are found in yogurt. Like other forms of flora, they work well for some patients and are less helpful to others. The theory is: when most people lived on farms, they took in these natural substances as part of their food.

HSO's are "PROBIOTICS" (the opposite of "antibiotics"). They (HSO's) are theoretical, in that they are not clearly proven to work. This is not true of the probiotics found in yogurt, which are known to replenish digestive flora in the intestine.


Yogurt naturally contains lactobacillus & is probably more effective, since the body assimilates nutrients best when they are taken in as a food rather than a supplement.

In 1908 Dr. Élie Metchnikoff proposed that lactobacillus acidophilus (L A) played an important role in the prolongation of human life through its role in improving the intestinal environment. Unfortunately, LA products had an acid taste and were not considered palatable. After a hiatus in the use of these products during World War II, general interest in LA was not renewed until the 1960s.

LA facilitates the absorption of food and reduces absorption of allergenic proteins; LA manufactures B vitamins and vitamin K; and LA size and tone the colon by increasing the size and improving the composition of feces. Where the diet is adequately supplied with unrefined carbohydrates and fiber the stool is as much as 85% bacteria, almost all of which are LA. When the ecology of the gut supports a flourishing growth of LA the production of toxins in the colon is almost completely eliminated.

[The hype from sellers of HSO's is that ordinary yogurt is not adequate -- but food sources generally are more effective at delivering nutrients than tablets or capsules. -rj]


Lactobacillus GG is a microbe that lives in the human gut. It is one of several microbes that are called probiotics because they are believed to be helpful for some health conditions.

Lactobacillus GG survives passage through the acid of the stomach and makes it into the intestinal tract where it's needed. Some yogurts have Lactobacillus GG added to them (not to be confused with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which is naturally present in yogurt).

LGG was the first probiotic proven to colonize the GI tract, though it's not permanent: it only occurs during continued administration. However, most bacteria ingested orally die in the stomach and never colonize the gi tract even temporarily.

HOWEVER, yogurt's naturally-occurring Lactobacillus Acidophilus has been proven over time to restore healthy bacterial balance in the digestive tract, and it CONTINUES to produce healthy strains of flora AFTER it has been injested -- something "Lactobacillus GG" cannot do.

Most people are unaware of the groundbreaking findings of Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff, PhD, the Russian bacteriologist who more than 91 years ago documented a direct link between human longevity and the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance between those beneficial and pathological microorganisms residing within the human gut. In 1908 Dr. Metchnikoff got a Nobel prize discovering phagocytes (a type of white blood cell found in the bloodstream and in the lungs, liver, and intestinal tract); and he also shed light on vital elements in the body's intestinal flora.

Dr. Metchnikoff came to believe that human beings could live to the age of 150 years if they kept the organisms within their intestines in a state of homeostatic balance. This, he said, could be accomplished by consuming live, fermented foods.

"Bioactivation" is used a lot in describing HSO's and other intestinal flora-enhansing supplements, but it is just a fancy word for "fermentation". Yogurt is the prime example of such fermentation.



Google Searches:

Google Search for "homeostatic soil organisms"

Google Search -- Friendly Bacteria, Soil


UNCONTAMINATED FOOD SOURCES - Clearinghouse of Organic Farms & Info - List of farmers in Mass.

----------------------------- - Stonyfield Farm organic milk, yogurt. The usual $3/ half-gallon type


ABOUT Bovine Growth Hormone, rBGH, & Lists of Non-rBGH milk sources. Several Links.


Decaffeinated Coffee

Overcoming Coffee Addiction

Fatigue (Caffeine & Other Causes)

Links: Quitting Caffeine

Problems With Coffee

From: and other sources

• Caffeine aggravates Insulin Resistance Syndrome. Cellular insensitivity to insulin is part of Type 2 diabetes. Caffeine contributes to insulin resistance and impairs glucose tolerance.

• Caffeine causes the urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and trace minerals, all essential for good health. It also inhibits the absorption of some nutrients.

• Drinking coffee reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, by 50% every 6 hours.

• Adrenal Fatigue: The adrenal glands produce DHEA, (for building & repair of muscle tissue) sex hormones, and other essential hormones. Caffeine exhausts the adrenals through overstimulation. Cortisol, (the stress hormone) increases as DHEA declines.
Elevated levels of cortisol accelerate aging symptoms including skin wrinkling, loss of muscle and increased fat gain, and feelings of anxiety and stress. To slow the aging process, boost DHEA production, and decrease stress, eliminate caffeine from your diet. More on Adrenals


• It can cause or worsen anxiety, tension headaches, migraines, PMS, insomnia, fibrocystic breasts, increased heart palpitations (arrhythmia), high blood pressure, seizure disorder, prostate problems, gastrointestinal & urinary disorders.

• Coffee's diuretic effects deydrate the body & makes the liver work harder.

• Decaffeinated coffee is not better than regular coffee. Both become pure acid in the body which burdens & irritates the stomach with the heavy secretion of hydrochloric acid.

• Coffee consumed with food forces the food to leave the stomach prematurely & slows down the motility of the intestines. Undigested food in a slowly functioning intestinal tract is a major contributor to constipation.

• A cup of coffee takes 24 hours to pass through the kidneys & urinary tract.

• Coffee has an adverse effect on the secretion of estrogen, linked to healthy bone strength.

...I would even drink coffee from the pot at bedtime, and I could sleep better! (That indicated that I was one of those ADD people who are calmed with stimulants....It was not stress or overwork. It was a caffeine addiction. If I did not have coffee every three to four hours, I would have withdrawal headaches, not suppressed anger headaches.
Caffeine irritates the bladder. Take something to make your urine alkaline, such as a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water...
[ ]

"The blood is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.35 to 7.40. ...Coffee and tea happen to be pure acid in the body. The more acid in the blood, the more the body will retain water in an attempt to neutralize it. This adds weight to your body."

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the level of stomach acid & this can cause stomach pain almost instantly in sensitive individuals. [Acid-Reflux reaction - rj]

Coffee becomes pure acid in the body which not only burdens but irritates the stomach as well. When acid-forming food enters the stomach, the stomach has to go to heavy secretion of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid).

Drinking coffee reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep by 50% every 6 hours. This can interfere with restful sleep.

A cup of coffee takes 24 hours to pass through the kidneys & urinary tract.

Coffee is known to have an adverse effect on the secretion of the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen is linked to healthy bone strength.

TEA is a high source of FLUORIDE, a toxin responsible for fluorosis & other serious health problems. Green tea has double that of black tea, at around 0.4 mg. Tea leaves accumulate more fluoride (from soil and air) than any other edible plant.


Decaffeinated Coffee

Are decaffeinated beverages really caffeine free?

Not completely. The decaffeination process of coffee and tea effectively removes about 97% of the caffeine, leaving approximately 2-5 mg in a cup of coffee. (A regular cup of coffee contains 40-150 mg of caffeine). Decaffeinated soft drinks may also contain traces (0-.09 mg) of caffeine.

Are harmful chemicals used in the decaffeination process?

Two basic decaffeination processes are used in the U.S.:

  1. water extraction and direct solvent extraction. In the water extraction process, the coffee beans are steamed and then soaked and rinsed, allowing the caffeine to diffuse from the beans into the water, using no artificial chemicals.

  2. In the direct solvent extraction process, decaffeination is accomplished by direct application of methylene chloride, ethyl acetate or carbon dioxide to the coffee beans. The beans are then steamed to remove the residual solvent, then dried and roasted. Methylene chloride received a great deal of attention when it was found to be an animal carcinogen when given by inhalation. Ethyl Acetate is found in fruits, so coffee decaffeinated by this method is labeled "Naturally Decaffeinated." Carbon dioxide decaffeination poses no known risks. In water decaffeination, no chemicals are used. The caffeine is leached out by soaking in hot water. The solution is then passed through a carbon filter for caffeine removal, then returned to the beans for reabsorption of flavors and oils. In the "Swiss Water Process," the beans are soaked in a coffee-flavored solution, so the caffeine is extracted without removing the flavor.

The FDA continues to permit the use of methylene chloride to decaffeinate coffee because it has determined that any potential health risk is so low "as to be essentially non-existent" (FDA, 1985).


Decaf coffee also stimulates the nervous system showing that coffee contains other stimulants besides caffeine.

RJ: The above comment is repeated on all other coffee info sources. The names of these chemicals are unknown or not given. It is just a hypothesis based on observation of decaffeinated useage and subsequent reactions.

Also, coffee inhibits, to some degree, the metabolism of glucose and thus insulin efficiency is reduced in diabetics.

Overcome coffee addiction

Replace toxic addictions with their natural counterparts. If you are to deliver your body, you must first "own" it -- ply it against the physical environment as nature intended. Feeling conspicuous only drives cowards into the shadows to nurture dysfunction.
The first drag will be the "wake-up thud" -- this is when you'll feel that emptiness that used to be filled by the caffeine zap. Realizing it's going to happen is half the battle. Then you can harden yourself against this leaden opening to the day.

Fill the void with alternative motivators.

  • EXERCISE to push your blood flow into high gear.

  • SLEEP - Don't let low energy push you toward caffeine. For the first few days your body is adjusting to functioning without the artificial push of caffeine. Until your hormonal secretion schedule catches up, you'll have to steal away for sleep while your inner workings can crank out enough fuel to push you through the rest of the day.

  • SPIRITUAL WARFARE to remove the defeat-imagery from your mind and get an accurate perspective of your power.


Comments: Caffeine Withdrawal

  • It will take eight weeks of no caffeine to return all systems to normal.

  • And just try to walk by a coffee shop without getting the shakes as soon as that old familiar aroma hits you. You'll have no doubt that this is one powerful drug, and when you get those headaches, you can feel how bad it must be for your body.

  • "Those reasonable persons who have only a cup a day, only have coffee in the morning, or who can go weeks without it, well, more power to you. But I am not one of you. I am an ADDICT. I cannot drink coffee in moderation. I can only drink it to excess. There is no possibility of moderation."

  • "I cannot drink coffee, it is a powerful drug for me, and that I must get off it. Also that life is joyless without it and that even one cup will lead to the next - which makes it a classic addiction not much different than alcoholism."

    Yahoo-groups on the topic (search 'caffeine addiction'):

  • Sure, drinking 5 cups of coffee, or taking ritalan, helps you focus... but maybe we shouldn't be focusing on that much stuff in the first place ...

  • ...if someone is pumped on caffeine, they do have a lot of energy, they're more sociable and laughable... as long as the caffeine is working. But a few hours later they aren't as fast, they aren't into their work, they stop talking as much... we're competing with fake, caffeinated personalities...

  • HypoAdrenalism (aka. adrenal fatigue) is a condition where a person has used stimulants through their life, causing the adrenal glands to be overworked, and they literally get "burned out". You may want to check out the book "Tired of Being Tired" by Jesse Hanley, MD, or "Adrenal Fatigue" by James L Wilson...

    People who can sleep right after drinking coffee -- their adrenals have quit responding.

  • I wake up feeling hung-over, then I gradually get a normal energy level over about a 2-hour period. It is very indicative of adrenal problems - as the adrenal glands go through a daily cycle of hormone roduction/release. So, I feel adequate energy through the day - but a very dull, unmotivated "energy"


Caffeine withdrawal headaches, often are accompanied by fatigue, occur because caffeine constricts blood vessels in the brain and decreases circulation! When caffeine is not present, the sudden increased circulation causes headaches.

Some people's natural energy returns easily but others suffer energy lows during the first few weeks after quitting coffee. But allow yourself to feel more tired than usual: Your body is giving you some important signals you may have been ignoring as you continued to seek energy from caffeine. You may find you need to catch up on some much needed sleep.

Herbal tonics that help rebuild adrenal health and detoxify the body can help you restore your natural energy more quickly. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Panax Ginseng (Panax ginseng or quinquefolius) are considered adrenal tonics. Other adaptogens of help to weakened adrenals are astragalus, schizandra berries, ashwaganda and wild yam. Nutritional supplements that support adrenal health are B vitamins and in particular pantothenic acid (B-5).

You might also consider some herbs to detoxify the liver, kidneys and bowels. Herbs such as milk thistle, burdock root, parsley, uva ursi and psyllium seeds can strengthen and support taxed systems of elimination which have been exhausted by too much caffeine. Remember to drink more water - at least 8 cups per day - during this detoxification period.

"Our adrenals have a limit as to how much they can put out, and when that limit is exceeded, we develop what is called adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can lead to chronic fatigue and immune suppression, which can lead to chronic infections, allergies, and multiple chemical sensitivities". More on Adrenals

Diabetes may cause people to urinate excessively or build up large amounts of urine in the bladder... If a person is not getting enough liquids (about six cups) daily, the urine may become so concentrated that it irritates the bladder and lays the groundwork for bladder or urinary tract infections. Signs of dehydration include having a dry mouth, cracked lips, or sunken eyes...

A good coffee alternative is green tea & a good substitute is roast dandelion root (also known as dandelion coffee).

["Noni" & Coffee]

According to Dr. Ralph Heinicke, xeronine is an alkaloid synthesized in the body & plays a key role at cellular level. When we take in foreign alkaloids like nicotine, cocaine, heroin & caffeine, which mimick xeronine's natural function, the body's proteins adapt to them & alter the need of xeronine to an unnatural need for foreign alkaloids. To overcome this addiction, flood your body with xeronine just like you originally flooded the body with foreign alkaloid.

At present noni is known to be the best source of proxeronine (a precursor to xeronine).
To treat this addiction, place a few drops of noni juice under the tongue every hour. This will release proxeronine straight into the bloodstream from the soft tissue under the tongue.

Note : The body does not get addicted to xeronine & thus noni is not addictive.

In 76 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice (Direct Source, 2001) Ms. Isabelle Navarre-Brown shares how to ease withdrawal symptoms from coffee (or drugs, nicotine & alcohol) by taking noni juice in different doses. Noni will reduce the physical & psychological need for coffee.

...Xeronine has the ability to wean out other addictive alkaloids such as nicotine, caffeine and morphine. Hence Noni helps to cure all kinds of addiction, such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs...


Milk contains casein,which makes the tannin in the tea insoluble,thus removing some of its astringency(acidic effect).Tannin inhibits the absorption of iron,calcium and zinc from the food,when tea is consumed along with food.

The tea should not be allowed to steep for more than about five minutes (a process known as brewing or mashing in the UK): after that, tannin is released, which counteracts the stimulating effect of the theophylline and caffeine and makes the tea bitter. Some teas, especially green teas and delicate Oolongs or Darjeeling teas, are steeped for shorter periods, sometimes less than 30 seconds.

[ ] People who drink more than four cups a day of green tea seem to have a lower overall risk of cancer. "Normal cells express the NOX enzyme only when they are dividing in response to growth hormone signals," Dorothy Morre says. "In contrast, cancer cells have somehow gained the ability to express NOX activity at all times." Drugs that inhibit tNOX activity also block tumor cell growth in culture. The green tea infusions, however, were 10 to 100 times more potent, inhibiting the activity of tNOX. when tNOX activity is inhibited, the cancerous cells eventually die.


A "quit caffeine" thread

Google: "Quit Caffeine"

Yahoo-group: caffeineblues



The drag emanating from quitting caffeine may result from adrenal fatigue. The excess demand placed on the adrenals by caffeine useage can run them down. Or one may simply be disposed to diminished adrenal function for unknown reasons. COMMENTS:

Blood sugar spikes from a diet too high in refined carbohydrates drain the adrenals.

These disorders are associated with adrenal exhaustion:

  • Hypoglycemia, Adult-onset diabetes, Frequent colds, Ischemic heart disease, arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Depression and anxiety.

The adrenal glands release cortisol and other stress hormones in response to physical and emotional stress. If the stress is chronic, the adrenal glands can lose the ability to keep up with the demands of stress, resulting in extreme fatigue, cravings, mood swings, and weight gain around the abdomen. Lab tests may show low cortisol levels. Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are related to adrenal fatigue, also known as cortisol burnout. Take our adrenal screening quiz to determine whether you have symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

The destructive side of cortisol. In its normal function, cortisol helps us meet these challenges by converting proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteracting inflammation. For a short time, that's OK. But at sustained high levels, cortisol gradually tears your body down.

Sustained elevated cortisol destroys healthy muscle and bone; slows down healing and normal cell replacement; coopts biochemicals needed to make other vital hormones; impairs digestion, metabolism and mental function; interferes with healthy endocrine function; and weakens your immune system.

Adrenal dysfunction may be a factor in many conditions like fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, even acne or hair loss.

Can you remember how you're supposed to feel? When the adrenals are normal, you feel happy and well, have steady energy and emotions, sleep soundly 7-9 hours a night, wake up feeling rested, recover well from stress, and maintain a healthy weight without dieting.

But if your energy lags during the day, you feel emotionally unbalanced much of the time, you sleep poorly or less than 7 hours a night, can't lose excess weight even while dieting, use caffeine or carbohydrates as pick-me-ups - these are all red flags indicating adrenal dysfunction.


I often feel dizzy, faint, like I haven't woken up, or like I'm in a dream.

Skin seems to be aging quickly.

I feel tired, run down, drained, or emotionally or physically exhausted much of the time.

I catch colds or other infections (cold sores, yeast or bladder infections, eye infections, boils, sinus infections) easily.

I'm gaining weight around my middle.

I'm often irritable, impatient, or pessimistic.

I often have trouble waking in the morning, even though you went to bed at a reasonable hour.

I often feel tired after exercise, rather than energized.

I drink more than one 8 oz. cup of coffee, caffeinated soft drink and cola, or other caffeinated beverage every day.

In my free time, I'm often too tired to do anything that involves going out of the house.

It could be said that in today's world, the adrenal glands are the most over-worked of all the glands. The adrenals produce more than three dozen hormones that perform many functions such as controlling mineral balance and blood sugar levels. However, it is in our response to stress that the adrenals play a major role, and are instrumental in how our body responds to fear and anger. It is no longer the saber-toothed tiger that elicits the adrenaline rush of fight or flight, but the numerous stresses of daily life (traffic jams, deadlines, arguments, unpaid bills).

Even so, the hormones that are released in response to these mundane stresses prepare our body for fight or flight. The flood of adrenaline causes the blood to be shunted away from the vital internal organs into the muscles, increasing the heart rate, and raising the blood sugar for increased energy. Over time this severely depletes the entire system. Some researchers of brain longevity believe that the constant stress-induced secretion of adrenal hormones depletes the neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to poor memory and even Alzheimer's disease.


Edited from:

You need to store energy in order to rebuild your adrenals. If you are constantly drawing down your reserves and going into your energy overdraft, the adrenals will continue to be exhausted.

Maintain steady blood sugar. Avoid all stimulants including caffeine: instead, let your body rest when you feel fatigued.

Take Nutritional Supplements: B vitamins including pantothenic acid, essential fatty acids like borage oil, flax seed oil or evening primrose oil, minerals including magnesium, zinc and chromium, anti-oxidants including Vitamin C, E, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed extract, and natural adrenal hormones like DHEA and pregnenalone are all supplements that support your adrenals.

SLEEP! Go to bed by 10:30 PM before your adrenals pump out more cortisol for a late night second wind. Sleep late until 8 or 9 AM because morning rests seems to be very helpful in restoring adrenal health. Take short naps when you feel fatigued during the day.

Exercise! In spite of being fatigued, exercise will build up your energy supply. Exercise actually helps your body normalize cortisol and blood sugar levels plus it re-oxygenates your brain and muscles.

Herbs: Adaptogenic herbs help you cope with stress. Take herbal tonics and adaptogens in extract form. Licorice root, ashwaganda, ginseng root, eleuthero, ginger, gingko, astragalus root, and schizandra berries are all recommended.


Google: Adrenal Fatigue

WATER: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj's book: "Your Body's Many Cries For Water":

"Twenty five percent of the human body is solid matter and 75 percent is water states F. Batmanghelidj, MD, author of 'Your Body's Many Cries For Water'. "The brain is said to be 85 percent water." Human blood is 90% water, muscles are 75% water, the liver is 82% water and our bones are 22% water.1 Every part of the human body is dependent on water.

The advice is simple: to drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage I consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.

Salt "foremost among human remedies" - Dr Batmanghelidj suggests taking a pinch of salt on the tongue after drinking water, which fools the brain into thinking a lot of salt has been taken. Salt is most essential: In their order of importance, oxygen, water, salt and potassium rank as the primary elements for survival of the human body. Salt will be taken out of the bones to maintain its vital normal levels in the blood. We have to be careful not to lose salt when increasing the amount of water we drink with no added salt. The water keeps the cell volume balanced and salt maintains the volume of water that is held outside the cells in circulation.


FROM A SUMMARY OF THE BOOK: - Link here for the full outline

Renin - Angio Tension System

Dehydration is the number one stress of the body.The coping systems to deal with dehydration in the body, causing vasoconstriction are the same as those that deal with stress - vasopressin & the RA system.

Activated when fluid volume of body decreases, retaining water & increasing salt. Low water or low salt causes the R.A. system to become very active. It tightens capillaries and veins to take up "slack" & empty space in vascular system - increases Blood Pressure.

During stress, some available water is used to break down stored materials - protein, glycogen & fat. The R.A. system activates this with vasopressin & other hormones. The main site of action is the kidneys.

Kidney excretion is limited by the availability of water to make urine.

The system's activity is decreased (relieved) by presence of more salt & water to fill the normal fluid capacity of the veins. If the pressure (water) in the kidneys is not sufficient for urine filtration, the R.A. system tightens the blood vessels in the kidneys, causing damage. This tightening of blood vessels causes essential hypertension - an indication of body's need for water.


Salivary glands sense salt shortage & produce kinins, which increase saliva formation to lubricate the food during dehydration.

Kinins also seem to activate the RA system in all parts of the body.

Salt shortage contributes to dehydration of the cells. It also can lead to essential hypertension & chronic pain. The kinins ensure that in severe dehydration, saliva production is kept high - THIS IS WHY "THIRST" IS NOT FELT - the symptoms are masked by this action!

Tea, coffee, caffeine - CNS stimulants, also dehydration agents because of strong diuretic effect on kidneys. The brain then signals the release of energy from the stored pool. The caffeine causes an "over-ride" effect on the body to release energy & this depletes energy storage, resulting in lower energy levels.

Caffeine deprives the body from being able to make its full supply of hydroelectric energy & also depletes stored brain & body energy - possibly causing lower attention span, chronic fatigue in older persons & eventually exhausts the heart muscle by over stimulation.

Caffeine interferes with an enzyme system involved with the process of learning & memory development.



Electrolytes & Salt




Arginine & Lysine & Bone Strength

Glucosamine & Joint Nutrition

Hyaluronic Acid




Human Growth Hormone



Omega-3 & Fish Oil

Apple Cider Vinegar


Total Fat 65 grams (g)
Saturated fatty acids 20 grams (g)
Cholesterol 300mg
Sodium 2400 mg
Potassium 3500 mg
Total carbohydrate 300 grams
Fiber 25 grams
Protein 50 grams
Vitamin A 5000 IU
Vitamin C 60 mg
Calcium 1000 mg
Iron 18 mg
Vitamin D 400 IU
Vitamin E 30 IU
Vitamin K 80 micrograms (µg)
Thiamin 1.5 (mg)
Riboflavin 1.7 (mg)
Niacin 20 (mg)
Vitamin B 6 2.0 (mg)
Folate 400 micrograms (µg)
Vitamin B 12 6.0 micrograms (µg)
Biotin 300 micrograms (µg)
Pantothenic acid 10 (mg)
Phosphorus 1000 (mg)
Iodine 150 micrograms (µg)
Magnesium 400 (mg)
Zinc 15 (mg)
Selenium 70 micrograms (µg)
Copper 2.0 (mg)
Manganese 2.0 (mg)
Chromium 120 micrograms (µg)
Molybdenum 75 micrograms (µg)
Chloride 3400 (mg)


B 12

SUBLINGUAL B12, along with Folic Acid, is the most cited supplement for energy loss of different kinds.


The theory behind sublingual is that the mucous membranes under the tongue are efficient at absorbing certain molecules, particularly if combined with something fat soluble such as a cyclodextrin. [ Cyclodextrin complexes can increase the absorption of the vitamin by allowing them to be absorbed sublingually. The vitamin is delivered directly into the bloodstream -- without going through digestive system and the liver where most of the component would be destroyed. ]

Some people have digestive disorders which can prevent the absorption of B12 in the ileum. The patients held two 1000 µg B12 tablets (equaling 2,000 µg/day), under their tongues for 30 minutes until completely dissolved. This was done for 7 to 12 days. B12 levels went from 127.9 ± 42.6 to 515.7 ± 235. All patients' serum B12 normalized.

Natural sources of B12 include eggs, milk, cheese, liver, and beef.

Folic Acid is found in dark green leafy vegetables, apricots, avocados, carrots, egg yolks, liver, melons, whole grains, and yeasts.


Lycopene is a natural carotenoid that has potent antioxidant activities. It is responsible for the bright red color of tomatoes, red grapefruit, guava, and watermelon, which are the richest natural sources of this carotenoid.

Tomatoes are high in lycopene, and research indicates that processing by cooking, concentrating or canning increases their lycopene bioavailability (as does consuming the tomatoes in a fatty medium -- say, sautéed in olive oil). For example, 1 cup of canned tomato paste contains more than 75 mg of lycopene, compared to about 4.6 mg from an equal amount of raw tomato.

Lycopene is better absorbed from cooked tomato products than from raw tomatoes.

Research has also shown that lycopene supplements actually raise tissue stores of this carotenoid better than tomato juice.

Best dosage for men: 15 - 20 mg daily. [Tablets usually contain 0.6 mg (600 mcg)].


(Vitamin B3)

Niacin is the preeminent anti-depressant/anti-anxiety vitamin...


  • "Nicotinic Acid" IS "pure" Niacin (B3). "Niacinamide" is less effective - it doesn't affect calmness, cholesterol, and other niacin features.

  • "Niacin Flush" is the sure way to determine the body's dosage level. It lasts 20 min, sometimes slightly longer.

  • DOSE: START WITH 50 MG to test reaction, then work up to higher levels if needed. Divide dose by 3 times a day.

  • "POWDER" the tablets to increase absorption. Take on an empty stomach also when you want to speed absorption.

  • Vitamin B6, vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium are necessary for the conversion of Niacin (and tryptophan) to seritonin. Also, vitamins B1 & B2 are cited as complementing niacin.

Vitamin B-3 is made in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. 1 mg of vitamin B-3 is made from 60 mg of tryptophan. Vitamin B-3 is very effective in treating many psychiatric and medical conditions. B3 greater than 500 mg/day can damage the liver.

DOSAGES: Start with 50 mg dose 2 or 3 times a day after meals for cases of arthritis, schizophrenia or anxiety.


HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR DOSAGE REQUIREMENT OF NIACIN: Another feature of niacin is that it dilates blood vessels and creates a sensation of warmth, called a "niacin flush." This indicates a temporary saturation of niacin. The flush starts in the forehead as a tingle, and then intensifies. It lasts about 20 minutes. When you flush, you've taken enough niacin. With time, the intensity of the flush decreases. One method is to start with 25 milligrams three times a day. Then 50/25/25, then 50/50/25, then 50/50/50, and so on until saturation occurs.

Niacin flush is a tingling sensation caused by blood rushing to the surface of the skin (niacin helps improve circulation). It usually occurs with initial doses of 50mg or more, and is caused by the release of the hormone "histamine." This causes the blood vessels to dilate, decreasing blood pressure; also increased release of gastric juice, and itchy skin. This dilation of the blood vessels is beneficial in many ways: increasing blood flow in the extremities (which may be otherwise partially constricted, e.g., diabetes); "flushing" cholesterol from the bloodstream; helping capilaries near the skin's surface to release toxins stored in the fat through the sweat glands. And the "histamine" released mobilizes the release of toxins throughout the body. It sends more water (blood) to flush any existing toxins. Many people enjoy the niacin flush, reporting sexual stimulation during the flush, probably due to increased blood flow to the organs. Some even take it prior to having sex in order to enhance their orgasms.

Once you've achieved "flush," it is desirable to continue the flushing, just very slightly, to continue the saturation. This could be done three or more times a day. To get to sleep sooner, niacin can be taken to saturation at bedtime too. You might be asleep before you even notice the flush.

A person's upper limit is when nausea and vomiting occur. The next dose needs to be reduced from that level. The usual dose range is 100 to 3,000 milligrams daily divided into three doses (3000 mg is often cited as "effective" - rj) If a niacin tablet is taken on an empty stomach, a flush will occur (if it is going to occur at all) within about 20 minutes. If niacin is taken right after a meal, a flush may occur so long afterwards that you forget that you took the niacin! Don't let the flush surprise you: Just remember to expect it so you can be prepared for it. The more your body needs it, the more you need to take to achieve "flushing".

"POWDER THE NIACIN:" You can grind the tablets into powder. Powdered niacin on an empty stomach can result in a flush within minutes. Avoid sustained-release niacin: the most reports of side effects stem from use of that form.

AVOID NIACINAMIDE: It does not cause a flush at all. Neither does it lower cholesterol.

AVOID Time-released niacin: It may overwork liver enzyme systems, and therefore we recommend and use fast-release niacin.

Give niacin (vitamin B-3) to edgy children and teenagers. Just enough to barely "flush" them. The inevitable "hot flash" experience indicates saturation of niacin. When a person is at niacin saturation, they are biochemically mellowed out inside. Niacin is the preeminent natural, safe, cheap, all-purpose anti-depressant/anti-anxiety/anti-psychotic vitamin.

NOTE: High-dose niacin (approximately 3 grams daily) has caused impaired glucose tolerance in otherwise healthy individuals. Also, glucose tolerance in diabetics may be worsened by niacin therapy. Niacin releases energy from carbohydrates, which may account for high BG levels. Also, the histamines released during NIACIN FLUSH causes an increase of Gastric Juices, a hunger trigger. Be aware of this while taking it, ignore hunger for ~2 hours, & check results.


NIACIN FLUSH Details. Other links. - (scroll way down to get article)

Niacin: It's action in the body, Effects on Diabetes & other conditions

LINK: CVS: Natures Bounty NIACIN (Nicotinic Acid - "pure") $3.53, 100 mg, #100 tabs


Article: Vitamins For Depression, Diabetes, Heart Disease, & more (

& Bone Production

Arginine ("L-arginine") and Lysine ("L-lysine") play a role in the health and development of strong bones. Arginine's effects on nitric oxide-induced cell signaling and L-lysine's contributions to collagen synthesis triggered increased bone production when the two amino acids were taken together.


Tryptophan helps the body produce the B-vitamin Niacin, which, in turn, helps the body produce serotonin, which acts as a calming agent in the brain and plays a role in sleep. Tryptophan works best on an empty stomach.

Those suffering from a serotonin deficiency, also frequently experience a range of emotional problems like from depression, PMS, anxiety, alcoholism, insomnia, violence, aggression, and suicidality.

Tryptophan is found in many foods such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk & other dairy products; bananas, turkey, Soy products: soy milk, tofu, soybean nuts, Seafood, Meats, Poultry, Whole grains, Beans, Rice, Hummus, Lentils, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Eggs, Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.

Tryptophan must be taken separately from other amino acids in order to get it to the brain. The rest of the body "competes" for the short supply of tryptophan, and the brain typically receives less than 1% of ingested tryptophan.

The craving for carbohydrate-rich foods when depressed or anxious is a demand for tryptophan. The carbs cause the release of more insulin. The increased insulin reduces the presence of other "competing" aminos, allowing tryptophan to reach the brain in greater quantities. So, without being aware of it, this large carbohydrate banquet increases serotonin, promoting a feeling of well-being. But this is dangerous due to the health risks of excess sugar and insulin. Taking Tryptophan alone (unlike ingesting a high protein diet) doesn't increase the levels of the other 5 amino acids that compete for the brain, so the Tryptophan gets a clear shot at the brain.

Since 2001, Tryptophan could again be bought & sold, though mostly by mail order. It reamins available as a prescription drug (Tryptan) which some psychiatrists continue to prescribe for people unresponsive to antidepressant drugs. Several studies suggest Tryptophan can effectively treat the winter depression - seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Vitamin B6, vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium are necessary for the metabolization of tryptophan.


(Avoid "Doctors Best - it's from Japan - contamination issues & fatalities)

Tryptophan Powder - Bulk, 100 Grams (200 50 mg servings); $75. . . . . Google: "Tryptophan Powder"

Tryptophan Messageboard


5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is the breakdown product of tryptophan. It's one step closer in the production of serotonin than straight tryptophan. (Sample price: "Vitamin Shoppe" 100 mg, 60 tabs, $20; "Natrol" - 100 mg, 30 tabs - $12. "Nature's Way" - 50 mg, 60 tabs, $13. [])

Unlike L-tryptophan, 5-HTP isn't produced with the help of bacteria. Therefore it is thought to pose significantly less risk of contamination than L-tryptophan.

The Mayo Clinic & the FDA confirmed the presence of a contaminant (peak X) in 5-HTP produced by six different manufacturers. It's similar to the one found in L-tryptophan, which in 1989 caused the potentially fatal Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome (EMS) in some persons. The L-tryptophan supplements were subsequently banned by the FDA. There have been 10 reports of EMS associated with 5-HTP use. The 5-HTP contaminant was not at levels high enough to cause illness. However, excessive doses of 5-HTP may lead to toxic levels of peak X.

The varied symptoms include severe muscle pain & cramps; abnormally high numbers of eosinophils (a blood component); Neuropathy; Neurologic pain in joints; abnormal repetitive shaking and contraction of muscles; Edema - the swelling of soft tissues from excess water; numbness, tingling, or burning; Headache; Cardiac arrhythmias; Fasciitis - pain & swelling of tendons and muscle in the extremities;

5-HTP has been proven effective in the treatment of carbohydrate cravings and binge eating, chronic headaches, depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, anxiety, and panic disorders. It can be taken with food, but for weight loss it should be taken on an empty stomach, or 20 minutes before eating.

DOSAGE: Usual dose for sleep is 100-600mg at bedtime. The ratio of tryptophan to 5-HTP is about 5:1. If you used to take 1500 mg of L-tryptophan, take 300 mg of 5-HTP. DOSAGE: 100 MG is usually recommended to start; 300, sometimes 400 MG for sleep. For ANXIETY: 50 mg. 2X daily "I had developed panic attacks & anxiety... I switched to 5-HTP and in 4 days I was feeling like myself again... (One brand's label:) "For depression, anxiety, and panic attacks: Take 50 to 100 mg three times a day."

Other Comments: I tried it on a day I was feeling especially anxious and within an hour I was feeling relaxed - but drowsy. Funny side-effect - after a few days I feel sort of emotionless. For this reason I use the 5-HTP only for 3-4 days at a time (50mg once/day)...I found with NIACIN added it seems more effective ...5-HTP doesn't seem to hang around very long in the system in my opinion... Tolerance can develop over time... Try to find 5-HTP which does not contain vitamin B6. This will somewhat lower the effectiveness of the 5-HTP (depending on how active certain enzymes in your GI tract are).... There has been a suggestion that vitamin B6 may cause 5-HTP to convert rapidly to serotonin before it even reaches the brain, so you don't get an increase of brain serotonin. There's nothing to lose by getting 5-HTP without B6...

• 5-HTP is weakened when taken with B6 (which converts it to serotonin BEFORE it reaches the brain), & since nearly all 5-HTP products come with B6, they're useless. Tryptophan (described above) is probably more effective.

5-HTP SOURCES & INFO: - 5-HTP effects, description, & dosage information

• 5-HTP without B6: Brand: Carlson Laboratories; 50 mg, #60, $13


SOME material from:

Glucosamine sulfate contributes sulfur, which helps with the strength of collagen in the joints. For this reason, many people prefer using glucosamine sulfate over other forms of glucosamine. A typical dosage of glucosamine is 500 mg three times a day. It usually takes up to six weeks for results to be noticed.

(People with blood sugar conditions should note that there is some concern that glucosamine may raise blood sugar levels.)

Glucosamine is a key component of cartilage. Glucosamine has been proven effective for relieving osteoarthritis pain, rebuilding cartilage, renewing synovial fluid (which lubricates your cartilage and keeps your joints healthy) and repairing joints that have been damaged from overuse & injury. It stimulates cartilage cells to produce two proteins that help to hold joint tissue together, proteoglycans and collagen. It may also prevent the breakdown of collagen. Everyone produces glucosamine, however, as we age, the amount declines. Without enough glucosamine, the cartilage in weight-bearing joints, such as the hips, knees, and hands deteriorates.

NATURAL SOURCES OF GLUCOSAMINE include lobster, crab and oyster shells. "It is in the bones and cartilage of animals. N-acetyl-glucosamine is found naturally in shiitake mushrooms. It's also found in bovine cartilage and shark cartilage." ... "Glucosamine is found naturally in the bodies of animals, and is a natural precursor of glycosaminoglycans, which are found in the cartilage and connective tissue of all animals."

Chondroitin is a glycos-amino-glycan (GAG) produced by cartilage and some other body tissues. It binds with collagen in the cartilage so the cartilage can be strong, slippery and flexible. Chondroitin inhibits production of enzymes that break down and destroy cartilage.


From a message board
Nutrients For Connective Tissue

Homemade Chicken Soup: Take an entire chicken and simmer the whole thing, bones and all for at least 12 hours. This will leech all the good collagen and marrow out of the bones of the chicken (you can also use other kinds of bones, ask your local butcher). Add garlic, onions (both of which have high quantities of sulphur) celery, seaweed, carrots, kale (or any leafy green vegetable), will provide minerals which, combined with protein, make your connective tissue.

Take a chicken: a whole broiler, pieces, wings, even bones. Bones are desirable. If you use is the liver, it will make the broth cloudy. Wash the chicken and put it in a large pot. Break whole chicken apart (you'll need less water to cover it in the pot). Cover it with cold water plus an inch more. Toss in an onion, celery, garlic, etc. No need to chop.

Turn the heat under the pot to high until it boils. Don't stir (it clouds the broth). Turn down the heat to a lowest possible simmer after the soup starts to boil. Skim off any scum with a large spoon. Leave everything alone for at least 90 minutes. At this point, you have achieved broth. You can let it cook longer if you want. Several hours is fine.

The easiest way to get rid of all the fat is to stick the broth in the refrigerator. The next morning, all the fat will have risen to the top. Just take it off there. Great soup is at hand.



Nutritional Contents: Basically, broth will contain the ingredients that are in bone. Covering the ends of bones is cartilage. Bone and cartilage are both classified as connective tissue. Connective tissue consists of a matrix which fills the space between the cells. It is composed of protein fibers and "ground" substance which can be a liquid, a gel or a solid. Since the cells are few, it is the valuable nutrients from the matrixes of bone and cartilage which create the substance called broth.

The nutrients in broth are: glycine and proline (collagen / gelatin), calcium and phosphorus, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate.

BONE TYPES: poultry, fish, shellfish, shellfish shells, beef, lamb.

MAKING THE BROTH: Combine bones, water, and 2 tablespoons vinegar in a pot, let stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer: (6–48 hrs for chicken, 12–72 hrs for beef). To reduce cooking time, you may smash or cut bones into small pieces first.

On This Subject:

Broth & Gelatin Benefits
Google Results: Broth, bone, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is a key building block of Collagen, effective in maintinaing joint and shin health. It can be derived from animal parts known to contain a lot of hyaluronic acid. Tendons, joints and skin of poultry and other meat sources boiled into a broth as described above is reputed to provide HA along with other complimentary "anti-aging" nutrients.

Hyaluronic Acid FAQ
Google Hyaluronic Acid

Review: GLUCOSAMINE and CHONDROITIN -- MORE AT: purchased a total of 25 brands of glucosamine, chondroitin and combined glucosamine/chondroitin products. These products were then tested to determine whether they possessed the labeled amounts. Overall, nearly one-third of the products did not pass testing. Among glucosamine/chondroitin combination products, however, almost half (6 out of 13) did not pass - all due to low chondroitin levels. The two chondroitin-only products tested did not pass. In contrast, all ten of the glucosamine-only products passed testing. One possible explanation for the low pass rate for chondroitin-containing products is economic - chondroitin costs manufacturers approximately four times as much as glucosamine.


• CVS - Maximum Strength Glucosamine/Chondroitin, 500 mg glucosamine HCl and 400 mg chondroitin per tablet

• Walgreens - Glucosamine / Chondroitin Double Strength, 500 mg glucosamine HCl and 400 mg chondroitin per capsule

As seen in this and other Product Reviews, labels may not be accurate.

These products are not likely to be helpful in severe osteoarthritis when bones already rub bones. A reduction in weight for overweight individuals and switching to low-impact rather than high-impact sports are also recommended for people with osteoarthritis.


SPIRULINA: A type of microscopic blue-green algae, Rich in amino acids and B-complex vitamins, a healthy addition to any diet, vegetarian in particular. It's a source of beta-carotene and vitamin E, as well as gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid that might contribute to hormonal balance.

It has high levels of chlorophyll, possibly a powerful antioxidant (conflicting evidence). It's ability to "enrich" the blood is more grounded: It's high in iron and contains phycocyanin, shown to stimulate the production of blood cells. Other blue-green algae have a higher rate of toxicity; most spirulina on the market is cultivated, and therefore protected from contaminants. In October 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved spirulina as safe for use in foods.


Seaweed draws mineral elements from the sea that can account for up to 36% of its dry mass. This gives us a wide variety of minerals: macronutrients like sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sulphur and phosphorus, as well as trace elements essential for avoiding deficiencies, such as iodine, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum, and many other elements such as fluoride, manganese, boron, nickel and cobalt. Two of these elements are particularly valuable, i.e. iodine and calcium, both of which are sorely lacking in the modern diet.

Seaweed contains a rich cocktail of all the vitamins. The main ones are:

  • provitamin A in the form of beta- and alpha-carotene found in red and brown algae, with contents of 2 to 17 mg/100 g dry;

  • vitamin C in red and brown algae, with contents ranging from 50 to 300 mg/100 g dry - equivalent to the tomato;

  • vitamin E in brown algae.

  • B-group vitamins are generally well represented. An unusual feature is that seaweed contains B12, which is not the case for land plants.

Seaweed is a type of algae. As early as 100 BC, the Greeks collected seaweed. All along the Mediterranean coast, red algae were used as a medicine to treat parasitic worms since pre-Christian times.

The ocean contains some of the richest known sources of mineral elements. The forces of nature, through rain, erosion and rivers, have brought all the valuable vitamins of the earth to the sea floor.

Land degradation, pollution and over-farming has had a drastic affect on the soil. If food grown on land can no longer give us the nutrients we require, we must turn to sea vegetation:SEAWEED.

Omega-3 & FISH OIL

If you crave fat, you may be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. Cravings are often the body's response to a shortage of a vital nutrient. If we don't have the healthy version of that nutrient on hand, we'll "crave" a junk food substitute. Omega-3 fatty acids have been diminishing from the modern diet for 5the past several decades -- and coincidentaly, obesity has increased in the same time frame.

Do They Contain MERCURY?

But there's no evidence that fish oil supplements contain mercury. Mercury is more likely to accumulate in the meat of the fish than in the oils. Theoretically, it's possible that some fish oil supplements contain mercury. If you're concerned, look for supplements that state on the label that they are free of mercury. Fatty fish, such as mackerel, albacore tuna and salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that omega-3 fats can help prevent heart attack and stroke. The best way to get omega-3 is from food sources. But some people may benefit from a fish oil supplement.

SMALLER fish are short-lived and therefore have fewer contaminants. Anchovies, Sardines. Cod Liver Oil is cited as having more contaminants than "Fish Oil." "Pharmaceutical Grade" fish oil is claimed to have "1,000 times less" PCB's and other contaminants.

COD LIVER OIL: A one-teaspoon serving of cod liver oil contains 500 mg. of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Cod liver oil is very different from fish oil. Cod liver oil comes from the liver, whereas fish oil comes from the body of the fish. Cod liver oil is very high in Vitamin A -- be careful to take it in limited quantities since it is very easy to overdose in Vitamin A. Not to mention... cod liver oil smells and tastes awful....


"Pharmaceutical Grade" Fish Oil - Expensive ($40/bottle)


Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes exist in the blood as acids, bases, and salts such as Sodium (salt), Calcium, Potassium, Chlorine, Magnesium, and Bicarbonate.

Sodium is the chief positively-charged-ion outside the cell. 2500 MG is the "Daily Value" for sodium. 1 teaspoon salt has about 2500 mg sodium. When SWEATING, you need to increase sodium intake to compensate for this loss. Sweat contains about 50 MG sodium/liter. Sweat rates for hard exercise can exceed 1 liter/hour.

To estimate your sweat rate, weigh yourself nude before and after exercising. The difference represents your total sweat plus urine loss. You want to ingest about 1,000 mg of sodium per liter water.

Salt Deficiency: The Cause Of Many Serious Diseases
Edited from:

Every living cell in your body is bathed in salt. Plasma is nine tenths water; it contains the proteins, gases and salts which our bodies require. Sodium enables the red corpuscles in the bloodstream to carry oxygen to the tissues and rid the body of carbon dioxide.

The body will not function properly unless the ratio of salt to water in the bloodstream remains nearly constant. Without sodium -- which the body cannot manufacture -- the body would be unable to transport nutrients or oxygen, or transmit nerve impulses which move muscles, including the heart. (NOTE: An eight-year New York City study found those on low-salt diets had more than four times as many heart attacks as those on normal-sodium diets.)

Salt also helps to digest foods: Salt is converted to hydrochloric acid (digestive juices) and breaks-down proteins. Inadequate salt intake can cause a buildup of waste, resulting in blockages and bloating in the colon. Salt's effect on nerve/muscular communication stimulates the peristaltic action of the colon; combined with salt's stimulation of the digestive process, internal cleansing and elimination are kept in top form.


NOTE: Excessive, repeated salt intake can cause kidney stones. - kidney stones
Kidney stone info - more info

A system of natural safeguards prevents the intake of too much salt:

  • First, heavily salted food is unpalatable;

  • Second, salt in large quantities acts as an emetic, (or laxative) and just passes through the stomach;

  • Third, the kidneys filter out and eliminate any minor excess of salt.

When our intake of salt is too low, the kidneys work to retain all they can. The retentive power of the kidneys is not always adequate and we then suffer from salt deficiency. The symptoms of salt deficiency are weariness, lassitude, dizziness, heat cramps and sometimes prostration.




Both sea salt and rock salt were well known to the ancient Greeks who noted that eating salty food affected basic body functions such as digestion and excretion (urine and stools).

This led to salt being used medically. It is believed that salt was a seal of God's eternal covenant with Israel.

The Hebrews, familiar with salt's preservative qualities and medicinal uses, regarded a covenant of salt to be everlasting. That understanding was still common when Jesus told his disciples they were the salt of the earth.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. When too low, the body extracts it from the bones. A deficiency during workouts may produce muscle cramps, weakness, and high blood pressure. During exercise, energy is produced by the conversion of fatty acids and amino acids with enzymes, which are calcium-dependant. Because fatty acids provide 60-65% of your energy needs when exercise goes beyond two hours in length, adequate calcium is crucial.

Magnesium accompanies calcium in an ideal ratio of 1:2. Deficiency of magnesium contributes to muscle cramps, tremors, sleep disturbances.

Potassium is the chief positively-charged-ion within all muscle cells, necessary for maintaining the lowest optimal concentration and balance of sodium. Deficiency symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, cramping, and rapid heart rate.

Bicarbonate. Baking soda helps regulate pH -neither too acidic (sour tasting), nor too alkaline. When Baking Soda comes in contact with either an acidic or an alkaline substance, it's natural effect is to neutralize that extreme pH - tilting the see-saw back toward level.



DHEA is a steroid secreted by the adrenal gland. It can be found in large amount in male urine. Some studies indicate that it prevents obesity, prolongs the life span of animals and offers a possible treatment for anemia, and diabetes.

DHEA stimulates the growth of bone marrow and increases the production of red blood cells, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. A low DHEA level seems to be linked to aging.

  • A typical dose is 50 mg per day. 100 mg. is cited as a "high" doseage.

  • lowers fat mass without reducing total body weight

  • Low blood levels of DHEA have been linked to erectile dyspunction.

  • improves immune fuction in those whose DHEA was previously low

  • Most report a greater sense of "well being". Improves depression.

  • Human Growth Hormone, synthesized and stored in the pituitary gland, stimulates DHEA production

SIDE EFFECTS: Increases in testosterone levels in both men and women. An increase in testosterone might increase the risk of several cancers, and high amounts of DHEA have caused cancer in animals. A possible link between higher DHEA levels and risks of prostate cancer has been reported. One person with prostate cancer reported a worsening of his cancer, despite feeling better, while taking very high amounts (700 mg per day) of DHEA. Most studies show DHEA increases the risk of breast cancer.

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There is much uncertainty as to whether testosterone supplements have any benfit, as it is alleged that the digestive process prevents the testosterone from entering the bloodstream as a functioning hormone.

The best way to boost testosterone naturally is:

  1. ZINC: Eat a well balanced diet high in zinc. Zinc is vital to the body's production of testosterone. It helps prevent testosterone from being converted into estradiol (a female hormone), and also helps convert any existing estradiol into testosterone.

  2. Stop smoking and drinking. Alcohol is a real t-killer.

  3. Undertake a regular gentle exercise regime. Excess exercise will also kill testosterone.


Serotonin, the substance whose production is aided by tryptophan and 5-HTP, is produced naturally as mentioned above. It deserves special mention because there are several medications that treat disorders by modulating serotonin. More than 95% of the serotonin in the body is actually located in the intestine, where most of it is produced, and only 3% is located in the Central Nervous System. Serotonin has at least 20 receptors located throughout the body. Benzodiazepines also are produced in the gut. Their production may be deficient due to nutrient-poor modern diets and inadequate sleep. The urge to eat, prompted by anxiety and depression, may be the body's signal that natural benzodiazepine production needs a boost -- not that overeating will cure this, but the primal hunger impulse arises from this.

The best management of the intestine's ability to produce benzodiazepines and serotonin is healthy sleep cycles (sunset to sunrise) and nutirent-rich foods.


Melatonin is the controller of the biological clock that determines the daily body rhythms. It is a hormone produced in the pineal gland in the base of the brain.

It promotes sleep, reduces depression, enhances immune function, and protects blood vessels. It is one of the most potent antioxidants (it scavenges the dangerous hydroxyl free radical). Melatonin reduces estrogen, and seems to inhibit estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells (cancer rates are higher in industrialized nations where artificial lighting inhibits the normal production of melatonin due to disrupted sleep cycles).

Melatonin production declines with age, so supplements are a good idea as you get older. The usual dose is 3 mg at bedtime, with a range from 1/2 mg up to 6 mg.

Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone ("HGH" or "GH") is synthesized and stored in the pituitary gland and assists in protein synthesis in the body and bone growth in the limbs. It is also responsible for stimulating DHEA production.

GH is produced during the deep stages of sleep (stages 3 and 4). Getting this deep, restorative sleep may be the best way to raise GH. GH is critical for tissue repair.

There are three main ways to stimulate growth hormone release:

1. Deep sleep. Large amounts of growth hormone are released during deep sleep, and the lack of deep sleep may be a major cause of growth hormone deficiency in chronic fatigue syndrome. This is one reason why it is important to aggressively treat this by getting at least 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Natural remedies such as 5-HTP, calcium and magnesium at bedtime, and melatonin, can help.

2. Exercise. Exercise usually results in an approximately 800% increase in growth hormone levels.

3. Sex. This is another wonderful way to raise growth hormone and is a lot more fun than getting a shot.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Use this diuretic in small quantities. You can add it to your salad as a dressing. What makes this such a powerful diuretic is this:

  • It is made from apples and the malic acid in apples will create a fat burning process.

  • Another factor with this vinegar is the fermentation process causes the vinegar to have constructive acids that join with alkaline elements and minerals in the body. This produces a cell scrubbing effect.

  • It also contains high levels of potassium, which has an antisceptic quality to that helps to eliminate fat deposits.

    GOOGLE: Apple cider vinegar, diuretic


    Herbs & Nutrients That Reduce Cortisol

    Cortisol's Effect On Fat

    Dictionary Definition:
    cortisol (kor'tĭsol') or hydrocortisone, steroid hormone that in humans is the major circulating hormone of the cortex, or outer layer, of the adrenal gland. Like cortisone, cortisol is classed as a glucocorticoid; it stimulates liver glycogen formation while it decreases the rate of glucose utilization in body cells. A main effect of cortisol is to reduce the reserves of protein in all body cells except cells of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

    It also makes fatty acids available for metabolic use. Cortisol is synthesized and secreted by the adrenal cortex in response to the stimulating substance adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). In turn, cortisol is the major regulator of ACTH production in the pituitary gland; it acts by negative feedback inhibition, i.e., a rise in the level of cortisol in the blood inhibits ACTH secretion by the pituitary. Cortisol, usually referred to as hydrocortisone when used medicinally, is more potent than cortisone with respect to metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects.


    Peeke's research has found that fat cells deep inside the belly are especially good at attracting cortisol. Whenever we're angry, scared, anxious, or tense, the brain produces cortisol and adrenaline.

    'Adrenaline's main role is to make you alert and focused, with exceptional concentration and memory,' says Peeke.

    Cortisol helps increase heart and respiratory rates and getting your muscles tensed and ready.

    As the stress subsides, cortisol remains in the body much longer. Since your body thinks you've run a mile in response to the 'threat', the hormone sends signals to refuel the body. It's a biological green light to indulge in foods loaded with carbs and fat that leads to weight gain in the chronically stressed.

    Elevated cortisol and elevated insulin levels a 'lethal duo' that creates an insatiable appetite for carbohydrates and fat.

    Chronic stress tells your body to keep churning out cortisol, causing you to continually reach for sugar- and fat-laden foods. And cortisol signals your body to store fat in the abdomen so you have a reserve for the next panic situation. This cortisol cue can make you pack on the pounds even if you have a stellar diet. These fat cells settle deep inside your abdomen, increasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The good news is that stress-induced pounds will melt away with a few tweaks to your diet, exercise, and stress-management tools.

    Research shows that people who think about limiting what they will eat actually produce more cortisol than people who don't obsess about dieting. Eating refined carbohydrates sets off a chain reaction that leads to the release of more cortisol. Unprocessed foods like fresh vegetables are the least likely to stimulate cortisol.

    Very high-carb diets that don't include enough protein, fat, and fiber will make your body crank out even more cortisol. Eating protein slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, keeping sugar levels in check. Evening-out your blood sugar prevents that exhausting spike and crash that comes with eating sweets. If you exercise regularly you can safely consume up to 1 g of protein for every pound of body weight.

    Don't Shy Away from Fat. Including a bit of fat in your meals will also help slow carbohydrate digestion, keeping your blood sugar steady and making you feel full. Choose unsaturated fats like olive oil.

    Drugs/Herbs that reduce Cortisol (aka cortisone)

    Relacore, magnolia bark (aka honokiol)

    Stress may cause your body to overproduce a stress hormone known as "cortisol" - which may be the cause of so many of our weight problems. Elevated cortisol levels may compromise other hormones, including insulin, serotonin, and DHEA. Cortisol may also decrease our metabolism, increases hunger and cravings, imbalances blood sugar (glucose) levels, and ultimately signal the body to store excess fat.

    Cortigen's two major ingredients are L-Theanine and Honokiol from Magnolia Bark.

    Relacore has no L-Theanine. L-Theanine is well documented for stress relief and is equally important as Honokiol for this task.

    L-Theanine has been studied and proven effective in two human studies for the following:
    Reduces stress / Increases relaxation / Works in approximately 30 minutes after ingestion / Increases alpha brain waves (prominent in a relaxed but alert state) / Does not cause drowsiness / Proven Safe when used as directed

    A small dose of honokiol, or a magnolia bark extract standardized for honokiol content, can help to "de-stress" you without making you sleepy, while a larger dose might have the effect of knocking you out. When compared to pharmaceutical agents such as Valium (diazepam), honokiol appears to be as effective in its anti-anxiety activity, yet not nearly as powerful in its sedative ability.



    Edited From Source Story, Yahoo News

    There's a type of deep abdominal fat that is not always apparent because it builds up behind the abdominal muscles. But regular exercise can prevent or reverse the process. A study of overweight, sedentary adults found that those who started working out on treadmills and stationary bikes tended to lose their stores of visceral fat -- fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs. This fat may not show up as a "spare tire," but it's linked to ill health effects like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

    The new findings show that the intensity of the exercise did not matter as much as the amount. Study participants who exercised moderately (like brisk walking) for 3 hours each week did just as well as those who worked out more vigorously for 2 hours a week. The study group that exercised hardest -- the intensity of jogging, 3 hours a week -- saw an average decline of 7 percent in both visceral fat and more superficial abdominal fat. In contrast, participants who maintained their sedentary ways saw a gain in visceral fat of nearly 9 percent over 6 months.

    For the most part, the exercisers worked out on gym equipment like treadmills and exercise bikes. Inactivity causes rapid fat accumulation, regular exercise prevents it. Long-term weight maintenance, not yo-yo dieting, is the goal. Exercise now and you won't be "20 pounds heavier in five years." Just 30 minutes of moderate activity every day (or most days) is enough to prevent fat gain. That's a level of exercise most people can achieve.



Physical activity is mandatory for all ages. Cardio-respiratory fitness is the cornerstone of physical fitness. This type of exercise uses large muscles in a continuous manner that increases the heart rate and breathing for a set amount of time. So what is aerobic exercise? Treadmills, rowers, stair climbers, exercise bikes, elliptical machines, kick boxing, roller blading, ice skating, swimming, canoeing and boating, jogging, racquetball, power walking, running, and energetic dancing. Alternate between several exercises that will help you attain your goals to avoid injury and boredom.


TREADMILL: "Should I run on the treadmill before breakfast or should I eat something first? "
You should eat something first. While you are sleeping, your body utilizes liver glycogen to provide a steady source of fuel to your brain and central nervous system; therefore, when you wake up, your liver glycogen stores are depleted, sometimes by up to 80 percent. Because liver glycogen is one of the necessary fuel sources for exercise (along with muscle glycogen and blood glucose), low levels will adversely affect your ability to exercise at a sufficient intensity.

Barefoot running allows a natural alignment of foot & leg muscels & joints.
This "trampoline/treadmill" from
When the goal is fat loss, aerobic exercise is more effective when done first thing in the morning, because it raises the metabolism for the remainder of the day, and because the body draws more heavily on its fat stores after fasting overnight.

How long should you do aerobic exercise? 20-minute intervals is typical. If you are in good condition, at least 20 minutes, with 40 to 60 minutes possible. But recent research has shown that as little as 10 minutes can improve your aerobic fitness as long as you do this exercise 2 to 3 times a day, 5 days a week. So, park far away from the mall entrance, climb a few flights of stairs to your office or apartment and plan short aerobic breaks during the day. Stick to your target of 20 to 30 minutes each time you exercise, and cool down for 5 to 10 minutes. Don't forget to warm-up for the same time.


1980's prototype treadmill. history.html
Edited from:

What are the benefits of exercising barefoot?

  • Helps to develop better perception of the contact with the ground, which allows us to interact with the ground's support (contours and ripples) more efficiently; also, it places the body weight on the foot more precisely; have better timing of the contact with the ground.

  • Develops muscle strength, particularly in those groups of muscles of the feet, and related muscles of the legs and hips, which are out of use when we are in shoes.

  • Helps to release psychological stress through the reduction of electricity charges in the body, which can now serve as a kind of lightning rod.

  • Helps to improve the body temperature regulation due to the adaptation to the lower outside temperature.

The best surface to run on is grass and particularly on a golf course. After that goes sand on the beach, or dunes, and then artificial track surface. Several steps for starting barefoot running:

  1. start using racing flats [a type of running shoe with a thinner sole & no interior padding -- more "feel" of the turf] in your everyday running

  2. do light jumps and hops in place with a jumping rope , do the same on two low boxes, with light weights

  3. start running on sand in racing flats

  4. do barefoot jumps in place with a jumping rope, then on boxes

  5. start doing short barefoot runs on grass

  6. do short barefoot runs and jumps on sand

  7. increase the length of barefoot running on grass and sand

  8. alternate each of the above exercises with normal running

Both feet on the ground


Running barefoot can help you get your body back in balance

07:31 AM CDT on Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Amy Polcari of Dallas can train for triathlons again. That's an enormous step forward, considering that pain forced her to quit running and biking eight months ago.

She has healed her body by learning to move the way it was designed – in balance. For Ms. Polcari, 29, it was not the running or biking that had caused the pain. It was how she did the activities.

"The most common problem that runners have is a malalignment problem," said Dallas orthopedic surgeon Jim Montgomery, who served as chairman of medical services for the 2000 U.S. Olympic Team. "You have to look at the whole being – the spine, the pelvis, the alignment of the femur and tibia and the foot. Any mechanical malalignment that you have is enhanced with running."

Ms. Polcari spent months seeing traditional doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors. As a last resort, she contacted Lisa Ann McCall, a physical therapist known for alternative methods.

Ms. McCall looked beyond the symptoms and found potential causes of Ms. Polcari's pain, usung her Body Balance philosophies to help Ms. Polcari retrain her body to move more naturally.

One of Ms. McCall's favorite tools is barefoot running.

"Walking or running barefoot gives us greater physical awareness that causes our bodies to move better," Ms. McCall said.

Added Dallas runner Duncan Cragg, who grew up running barefoot on the grass tracks of South Africa: "Running barefoot is about communicating with the ground. Your feet have sensors much like your hands. When your feet feel the ground, the connection activates the motor nerves, and your sense of balance becomes better."

Creating this sense of awareness helps keep our bodies healthy, said Ms. McCall, who believes in moving the way our bodies were meant to move.

Dr. Montgomery said he also has found that the body can heal itself with normal mechanics. He urges using caution for anyone attempting to run barefoot. There are obvious hazards, and good form is a necessity.

"A person who has lived with pain for years can find relief simply by relearning how to move in ways that reduce the pressure on weak and painful tissues," Ms. McCall wrote in her book, The McCall Body Balance Method. "It's a re-education process that allows tissues self-healing through elimination of damaging movement and postures."

Mr. Cragg, a shoe specialist at Luke's Locker, said he still runs shoeless whenever he feels a nagging injury. He finds that it helps him regain his natural running form.

Shoes obviously have a place, but because shoes absorb the shock of impact, they eliminate the pain from using improper form, such as landing on your heel.

"If you run without shoes, it will hurt to land on your heels," Mr. Cragg said. "There's no way to absorb the impact."

Ms. Polcari has exaggerated pushing her pelvis and hips back to reduce pressure on her knees. Over the past eight months, she has strengthened her body. She now can complete 5-mile runs and 30-mile bike rides.

"Symptoms are the body's signal that something needs to change," It's telling you that you need to be doing something differently."

Ms. Polcari listened to her body and learned.

"I had bad habits I had had for years," she said. "Traditional medicine is compartmentalized. They wanted to treat my shoulder, and when that was fixed, they'd work on my hip. That didn't work for me. I know that my shoulder affects my hip, which affects my ankle. It's a holistic approach. I have a greater awareness from head to foot."


Here are Lisa Ann McCall's tips:

Find a safe, grassy area.

Push your pelvis and hips back and relax your stomach.

Concentrate on landing in the middle of your foot rather than landing heel to toe.

Take small steps because the slower pace allows your body to learn to feel what is happening

Why tape your feet?

In early stages of barefoot running, taping can help the foot adjust. The ground is rougher than the foot is used to. The tape acts like a compression bandage, offering slight support but not interrupting the body's ability to receive sensations.

Fun fact

Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia (1932-1973) set the world record, 2 hours, 15 minutes, 16 seconds when he won the 1960 Olympic marathon in Rome running barefoot.

How do you know if you are training hard enough?

Age Target HR Zone
50-75 %
Average Maximum
Heart Rate

100 %
20 years 100-150 beats per minute 200 beats per minute
30 years 95-142 beats per minute 190 beats per minute
40 years 90-135 beats per minute 180 beats per minute
50 years 85-127 beats per minute 170 beats per minute
60 years 80-120 beats per minute 160 beats per minute
70 years 75-113 beats per minute 150 beats per minute
Check your heart rate. You can purchase a heart rate monitor to do this or you can take it manually with your index and middle fingers on the thumb side of your wrist or the groove of your neck near the jaw bone. To calculate your target heart rate, follow this simple formula:

220 - your age = your maximum heart rate.
For the LOWER END OF THE TARGET ZONE, multiply your maximum heart rate by 0.70.
For the UPPER END OF THE TARGET ZONE, multiply your maximum heart rate by 0.85.

Here is an example: You are 30 years old:
Lower end of the target zone = (220 - 30) x 0.70 = (190 x 0.70) = 133
Upper end of the target zone = 190 x 0.85 = 162

The target zone of a 30 year old is 133 to 162 heartbeats per minute.


Watch For Spirit Zappers: Fatigue can be a sign of mental distress like depression and anger. "Excessive tiredness and feeling run-down should be viewed as red flags," says Michael Nelson, a psychology professor. Be alert to what's bothering you: a change in your life, a new work practice, or anger over people in your life. Suppressing your feelings takes a lot of energy. You may not be able to change everything, but can change how you deal with events so you can stop brooding and move into high gear.,20345.asp
Eating an adequate diet so as to maintain blood sugar levels. Foods, which promote serotonin production, can be increased e.g. bananas, pumpkin pips and Horlicks.

Stimulants which increase anxiety should be avoided e.g. coffee, colas and chocolate. Vitamin supplements/tonics may be useful if you are very run down or if life is normally lived in the "fast lane". Sleep sufficiently.

Exercise - begin gradually and slowly increase the intensity. Exercise promotes the release of the body's natural opiates (endorphins) which improve mood. Being out in the fresh air helps.

Understanding the basic dietary principles:
There are a number of dietary factors that can help with depression. Eating a high carbohydrate diet (wholewheat bread, unsifted maize meal, brown rice) boosts the production of serotonin in the brain which makes you feel more positive. Eating plenty of protein (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, milk) to increase amino acid intake has the same effect.

In addition, B vitamins, especially B12, B6 and folic acid, can help combat psychological disturbances, so take a complete vitamin and mineral supplement like Supradyn. Omega‑3 may also help, and the best source is Salmon oil capsules. A balanced diet and regular exercise (which increases the level of endorphins in the brain) is essential.

Depression can cause pronounced loss of weight or weight gain, so if you are underweight make an effort to eat more high-fiber foods, fruit and vegetables.

Alcohol and some drugs (recreational and prescription) can cause or exacerbate depression. This is because it alters the balance of brain chemicals or the physical structure of the brain (excessive alcohol and sleeping tablets cause shrinkage of the brain).

Too many fluctuations in your insulin levels can lead to mood swings and fatigue. To combat these fluctuations:

Carbohydrates provide the main energy source for the body, but three to four hours after eating there is little glucose left in the bloodstream, which can lead to symptoms of hypoglycemia, and a slowing down of the body's metabolism. Frequent small meals prevent this, and increases the metabolism slightly by keeping the body geared towards digestion. Insulin demand is reduced, thus reducing hypoglycemia and diabetes reactions.

Eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI) rather than with a high GI. Eat whole wheat pasta than white or whole wheat bread, and Basmati rice or couscous rather than white or brown rice, fruit than sweets, and oats or bran cereals rather than other cereals.

Carbohydrates increase the production of serotonin, a brain chemical that encourages sleep. High-fat foods take a while to digest, leaving your mind and muscles under-fuelled. Opt for a chicken sandwich instead - combining protein with your carbohydrates can offset fatigue.

Lymph Drainage


  • Breathe deeply. The lymph system has 3 times more fluid than blood in the body, yet no heart to pump it. One of the main ways it moves is through breathing deeply.

  • Exercise ensures the lymph system flows properly. Stretching and aerobic exercise work well.

  • Drink plenty of water. Without adequate water, lymph fluid cannot flow properly. To help ensure the water is readily absorbed by your cells, add some lemon juice to pure water.

  • Avoid toxic foods: sugar, color, and preservative-laden foods add to the already overloaded work your lymph system must handle.

  • Eat fruit on an empty stomach. The enzymes and acids in fruit are powerful lymph cleansers. Eat them on an empty stomach for best digestion and maximum lymph-cleansing benefits. Most fruits are digested within 30 minutes or so and are quick to start helping you feel better.

  • Eat plenty of green vegetables to get adequate chlorophyll to help purify your blood and lymph.

  • Eat raw, unsalted nuts and seeds to power up your lymph with adequate fatty acids. They include: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

  • Drink pure, unsweetened CRANBERRY JUICE. Cranberries and cranberry juice emulsifies stubborn fat in the lymphatic system. Dilute it about 4:1 water to cranberry juice.

  • Lymph-boosting herbal teas: astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot, or wild indigo root.

  • Dry skin brush before showering. Use a natural bristle brush. Brush your skin in circular motions upward from the feet to the torso and from the fingers to the chest. You want to work in the same direction as your lymph flows–toward the heart.

  • Alternate hot and cold showers for several minutes. The heat dilates the blood vessels and the cold causes them to contract. Avoid this type of therapy if you have a heart or blood pressure condition or if you are pregnant.

  • Lymph drainage massage. Gently running your fingers over the skin is all you need to get the lymph moving. Deep-kneading is not effective in draining lymph. Lymph buildup, called lymph-edema, is caused by anything from a toxic diet to cancer related issues.

Clean Your Lymph System With Exercise

Get plenty of exercise to keep your lymph system clean, since the lymph system requires the pumping of the heart to keep things moving. Work up a sweat to purge toxins in your system. Speed up your lymph system from 120 ml an hour to as much as 1,800 ml an hour through vigorous exercise.

Jump on a trampoline to provide exercise not just at the muscular level but also at the cellular level. Stimulate the one-way valves in the lymphatic system through this jumping, also called "rebounding." Improve the diffusion of interstitial fluid between cells through jumping. Practice deep breathing while walking briskly or jogging to cleanse the lymphatic system.

Laugh. Exercise your diaphragm muscle by deep belly laughs, which cause the diaphragm to flutter rapidly, in turn stimulating the central lymphatic vessel running through the center of your body.

Clean Your Lymph System Through Diet and Herbs

Drink plenty of water. Your body needs approximately 1 tbsp. of water per lb. to stay properly hydrated and keep the lymphatic fluid flowing properly.

Eat plenty of greens. Get enough C and B vitamins. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest, particularly fatty foods, animal products, and especially sugar. Eat organic foods as much as possible, avoiding processed foods containing artificial preservatives, flavors and colors. Eat raw nuts, seeds and avocados to get the essential fatty acids your lymphatic system needs.

Take cleansing herbs on their own or in a tea or tincture to cleanse the lymphatic system. Useful herbs for purifying the lymph system include astragalus, cleavers, echinacea, goldenseal, poke root and wild indigo root.

Clean Your Lymphatic System With Lymphatic Drainage

Place your fingers on your neck right under your ears, one hand on each side of your neck.

Push the skin on your neck firmly downward, working your fingers down your neck and away from your ears. Take 10 massages to work from your ears down.

Place your hands on the inside of your shoulders along your collarbone, one hand on each side of your neck.

Push the skin along the top of your shoulders inward toward your collarbone, massaging inward five times.

Performing At-Home Lymph Massage

To understand lymph massage is to first understand lymph. Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates throughout the body like a super powered garbage truck picking up waste products, bacteria, dead cells, viruses, fats and more. It is produced within the lymphatic system which is comprised of several organs including the spleen, tonsils, thymus and adenoids. This system works in conjunction with hundreds of lymph nodes and miles of vessels running throughout and alongside the circulatory system. Lymph massage can be performed on oneself which is called Manual Lymphatic Drainage or MLD. This practice is an excellent way to get a sluggish lymphatic system moving along.

A Light Touch

Because the lymphatic vessels are mostly just below the skin there is no need to do any deep kneading techniques. Working with a delicate touch to stimulate and move along the lymph is essential. Gently running your fingers over the skin is all you need to get the lymph moving. This will not feel like much at first, especially if you are used to deep kneading, but in time it can alleviate lymph buildup, called lymph-edema, caused by anything from a toxic diet to cancer related issues.

What You Will and Will Not Need

It is best to try to lie down, to allow the body to release as many muscles as possible. You do not need any cream or oil. You want your hands to be able to be move lightly over the skin without getting sticky or tacky. Sometimes talcum powder works well, as it allows sliding but does not impede flow. Be sure and wash your hands thoroughly before working on yourself.

Proper Positioning

Be sure and always move the lymph away from the lymph nodes, lightly and methodically for a total of five to ten times for each movement, making sure to work both sides of the body. Placing the hand into the skin, pushing in and up toward the affected area and then down and away is the proper technique.


Working on the neck area can help reduce inflammation here as well as in the arms and even the legs, as the lymph fluid will begin to move throughout the body. Starting on both sides of the neck just below the ears, gently move your fingertips down and toward the back of your neck and then back around toward the front ending on your collarbone near your throat.


The lymph nodes here are often susceptible to swelling. Slowly start at one armpit and move across the chest being sure not to go too close to the other armpit. If someone is able to assist you, doing this same movement along the back is also recommended.


Starting at the armpit and working down toward the inner groin area is the path you want to travel to reduce leg swelling. Use the raking technique (open fingers), circular palm strokes, gentle palm vibration and/or gentle palm with finger pumping for this distance. Start slightly underneath the top of the crease where your upper bicep meets your upper rib cage. Work your way down the side of the rib cage concentrating along the front and then below the breast. This sort of makes a sideways V path as you will then work back to the side and into the outer groin where your inner leg meets your pubic bone. Finish here as the lymph will drain into your intestines and be excreted.


After a workout, the sweat-laden body becomes a breeding ground for all sorts of odorous and potentially disease-bearing bacteria. What can be done? Many approaches have been taken throughout the ages: rolling on the ground, standing in front of a strong wind until the sweat hardens, or wearing scuba gear to mask the odor.

Showering is another possible remedy.

Research indicates:

  • For purposes of territorial marking, everyone has been given their own smell; but poor personal hygiene can intensify odor.

  • Sweat is released to cool the body. Comprised of water and salt, it doesn't smell unless it is left on the skin, where it reacts with (feeds) bacteria, developing an odor.

  • Your best defense against body odor is to shower whenever you work up a sweat. Apply soap or shower gel to underarms, genitals, face, feet.

  • There are two types of sweat glands:
    Eccrine glands, which release a salty liquid for cooling the body, and

    Apocrine glands, which put out pheromones to attract the opposite sex.

    Eccrine glands are all over the body, whereas apocrine glands are mostly in the underarm and genital areas. Apocrine sweat is the most attractive to bacteria and, therefore, more odorous.

  • Your diet affects how you smell. If you're concerned about this, avoid anything spicy (like curries or chilli), garlic, and anything containing caffeine. (Caffeine make apocrine sweat glands more active.) Drinking lots of water (eight+ glasses) keeps eccrine glands active to dilute the scent.


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